For further details, enquiries, stock availability and support please contact your nearest store:

Simpsons Cleaning Equipment Specialists
Trowbridge Road,
BA13 3AY

call us on 01373 826 578 or send an email

click here to navigate with Google : offering directions, journey time, etc...

Simpsons Cleaning Equipment Specialists (P C Jones)
Unit 23 Burnett Business Park,
Gypsy Lane,
BS31 2ED

call us on 01373 826 578 or send an email

click here to navigate with Google : offering directions, journey time, etc...

Simpsons Cleaning Equipment Specialists
Trowbridge Road,
BA13 3AY

call us on 01258 489 499 or send an email

click here to navigate with Google : offering directions, journey time, etc...

With continued commitment and attention to you and your needs - we keep getting better..!